Bonnie Clark, author of the upcoming Evarance book series, lives in West Virginia with her husband, five children, cat and dogs. She has a passion for writing, achieving her dreams and helping others achieve theirs. She loves family, friends, animals (especially foxes) and nature. Planting seeds in the garden and watching them grow is one of the many things that brings joy to her life. She also loves getting back to basics by learning self sufficiency and emergency preparedness skills.

The early beginnings of the Evarance series began back in 1994, where as a young girl, Bonnie had a dream to write her very own novel. She began writing a story called “Firefox Dreams”, which reached a little over three solid typed pages in size, before her creativity waned and the story effectivly died. Life continued on as Bonnie grew from girl to woman, marrying and starting a family of her own. Her dream lay stagnant until September of 2008, when she decided once again to fulfill her childhood dream and finish the novel which she had begun. Although the novel has changed drastically since its 1994 beginnings, the premise of the current novel was inspired by that early version and it would be fair to say that without the novel begun in her youth, Evarance would not be what it is today.

For more information about Bonnie Clark and her Evarance series, browse through the links at and don’t forget to check out her BlogFacebook and Twitter pages. Thank you for visiting and be sure to subscribe to the mailing list while you’re here. Also, tell your friends to come join in the journey too, into the Evarance, where dreams are made real!